Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Online Trading Reviews:4 Tips on how to Evaluate a Forex trading Mentorship Program

One of the things that changed my trading career was the Currency trading mentors I had at the start of my career. This helped me to learn from the finest fx traders (folks that were managing millions) and cut the learning curve to a few months, instead of years.

I read hundred of online trading reviews and I even bought quite a few trading systems however they always performed poorly. This is when I made a decision that if I was going to get anywhere as a Currency trader I was going to have to take my financial destiny on my own hands.

Finding a Forex trading mentor who has the skills, knowledge, and abilities to explain to you how to become a profitable trader is vital for success. I had a mentor during the first 3 years of my trading career and I still have mentors in many other areas of my life. Working with a mentor is the best and quickest way to become the trader you want to be and capture the profits you always desired.

In this article I will be teaching you 4 easy ways to assess any mentorship program or one on one Forex education on the web or offline.

Full time Fx traders & market experts make the most efficient mentors:

When you need to fix a problem you go to an expert. When you break a leg you go to a doctor, when you need legal advice you go to a law office. It is precisely the same for Forex trading. Most full time Forex traders do not care to instruct others how to trade simply because they already achieved success and do not want to share it.

They are a few full-time currency traders and trading experts who want to really make a difference by transforming other people’s lives and leading them to success. These are the type of Forex traders you want as your mentors. However, these are the hardest to find because they normally do not want to teach others how they do what they do. My advice to you is to find a mentor who trades full time and that has his very own trading strategies.

Find a mentor who has availability:

 This sometimes might be hard to find. Most Currency trading mentors only take a few mentees each year. Because of this it is really hard to get in with the big boys and have them coach you on how to trade.
In my case, I learn from an institutional speculator who did not even offer a mentorship program and the only reason why he mentored me was because we were very good friends.

A mentorship program MUST offer you with a full time mentor:

I have seen several online courses and trading systems that are named “Forex mentorship” or “Forex mentor” but the reality is that NO mentor is really coaching you. When you choose a mentorship program make sure you will actually get 1 on 1 coaching, not just a course and a set of videos.

It’s free to inquire and ask questions:

when you are selecting a mentorship program you need to ask questions, get an summary of the program, and learn about how the program is conducted and can help you succeed in the markets.

Taking action is essential:

 It is true that having goals and dreams is important but without action your time and energy will be useless. One of my favorite quotes is “There is nothing more common than a talented individual without success”.

Many people are incredibly talented (and in my experience anyone who is trying to trade Foreign exchange is generally very intelligent) but they do not succeed as traders because they don’t take action when an opportunity knocks at their door. My advice is to take good opportunities when they come your way, don’t wait or the opportunity might be taken away from you by someone who took action on time.

People have mentors because is the easiest and best way to be successful on anything you are trying to achieve. Warren Buffet has Ben Graham as his mentor; Michael Jordan had Phil Jackson as his mentor. The most successful folks in our society recognize the powerful edge they can get by having a mentor.

I hope that you now have a better idea of why is essential to have a Currency trading mentor and how to find the best mentorship program with the best online trading reviews.

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