Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Online Trading Reviews: 4 Reasons Why You Should Really Have a Forex Instructor

Trading the FX Market takes quite a lot of dedication, effort, planning, and a lot of times even a bit of luck. In the years that I have as a full time trader I have met very profitable traders and after talking to them I found out that about 90% to 95% of them have had a mentor that helped them to become profitable.

In this section of my online trading reviews I would like to provide you with 4 reasons why you should have a Forex mentor who can direct you and help you reach your goals.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading tips: Why Do 90% of All FX Traders Lose Money?

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading can be one of the most lucrative investments anybody can make. There are a great number of advantages of trading Forex… it is a 24/7 market, most of the trading is electronic, you can use a massive amount of leverage to increase your potential gains, and much more.

On the other hand, there are common mistakes that seem to be made by each and every rookie foreign exchange trader and sometimes even the pros.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Forex Strategy Trading techniques: Learn The basic principles Of global forex trading

Forex strategy trading is an amazingly lucrative investment to be involved in. It is the exchange of foreign commodities worldwide sold for a profit depending on what the market is operating with and the size of the lot.

Trading the currency exchange is not like the stock market where they are regulated by the SEC. In Forex most of the trading is done through online trading platforms and a network of banking brokers.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Online Trading Reviews: 4 Easy methods to Combine Automated and Discretionary Trading

There has always been a debate about what kind of trading is better, automated or discretionary. Many people within the Foreign exchange community read online trading reviews , trading articles, watch trading videos, and are always trying to get as much information and resources as they can.

The problem is that many of these traders become overwhelmed with the massive amount of information accessible online. In addition, frequently they are misled by so called “Forex gurus” who often don’t even trade the markets and are actually just web marketers.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Forex Strategy Trading Tips:4 Straightforward New ways to Find Your Trading Personality

Most Forex investors don't understand the reality that their personality will have a very high effect on their trading career. Whether you are a discretionary trader who takes all his trades manually or you use automated Forex strategy trading systems, your personality will affect your trading success.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading Helpful tips: How to Build a Successful Forex Career

Everyday more and more people are discovering the amazing opportunity that Currency exchange represents. Several investors are already making money from the currency markets, making a recession proof revenue stream, and even making a living by trading the markets full-time. In this release of my foreign currency exchange trading tips you'll learn how I built a solid trading career and how you can accomplish it too.

Use proper business practices:

 Forex currency exchange trading is a business and it really needs to be treated as such. In a ordinary business, people use a number of business practices that are critical for an organization's success. As an illustration, successful businesses need to learn how to always keep expenses low, optimize profits, and use their capital correctly. These are things that a Currency trader must learn how to do as well if he/she really wants to achieve complete success.

Use a successful trading strategy:

You can build all of your trading abilities but if you don’t have a great trading strategy to help you accomplish your goals all your efforts will be useless.

The approach you use in the markets is extremely correlated with the degree of success you will have. Forex strategy trading should always be taken seriously and the only way to test a strategy is through extensive back testing and forward testing with a demo account.

Never neglect to comply with your trading plan:

 The main problem most traders encounter is that they don’t even have a trading plan! Do you have one? If you answered “Yes” you are in the right track. If you responded “No” maybe that’s the reason why you haven’t obtain the success you want.

Always be a student of the markets:

 Most traders (including me) become profitable and still continue to educate themselves. The market is an ever changing landscape and to profit regularly a trader needs to be able to adapt to the market variations.
What's more, intelligent and profitable FX traders understand that knowledge is power and that the more knowledgeable they become, the more money they will make. I have also discovered that people who have a prosperous career are constantly learning more, researching more, and enriching their life as much as they can.

Be dedicated and disciplined and big rewards will come your way:

 Have you ever heard the saying that says “What you sow is what you will harvest”. Well, this is an absolute truth of Forex currency trading. If you only study gimmicky trading strategies, complicated trading strategies, and never master the basics you will never succeed. One of the first accounts I ever managed was for $100,000 and the only thing that allowed me to make constant profits was the way I used the basics of Currency trading. Basic things like respecting support and resistance levels, following the trend, and using strict money management have helped me to make up to 80% in only 6 weeks. You can have results like this by just keeping it simple and using strict money management techniques.

Building a solid trading career is quite possible by being consistent, patient, and being always a student. Please stay tuned for more foreign currency exchange trading tips.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Forex Secret Trading Tips:How I Fired my Boss & Began to Trade From the Beaches of Florida

Society tells us that we need to go to school, get a safe job, get married, and then be happy forever, correct? Well, the fact is that this life model is quite obsolete and I identified this flaw is our system ever since my first years in college. Later on my life I also made the decision that if I wanted to get anywhere I was going to have to take my future on my own hands, so I did.

 Back then I was working full-time as a business developer for a “Forex guru” who was building a trading software enterprise. I liked my job but I was working myself to the bone and didn’t have any time to myself.
Despite the fact that I didn’t want to admit it I knew it was a dead end job. The only way for me to reach true financial freedom was to take my future on my own hands. In this edition of my Forex secret trading tips I would like to give away to my readers 4 tricks that helped me to fire my boss and start to trade from the beaches of Florida.

Launch your own trading business:

 Deciding to run my very own Forex business was the best decision I’ve ever made. I finally was having the ability to choose my own schedule, choose how much money I want to make, and particularly I can trade and make a living from anywhere in the world. In the last years I’ve been trading from the tropical beaches in Costa Rica, Miami, Siesta beach, Tampa bay beach, the Caribbean and many other places.

Increasing your options and opportunities:

 Ever since I decided to have my own Forex trading business I have linked with many people and traders from all across the globe. In addition, I have been able to develop trading strategies, partners, and a community of FX traders that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

Never put all your eggs in the same basket

: When you only have one source of income (say for example a full time job) you are in danger. You are a disposable asset for the business you work for and if they find someone who is quicker than you, more affordable than you, or more skilled than you they won’t hesitate to replace you. This is why you need to establish a second revenue stream from Forex currency trading to have a fall back plan in case the unexpected happens.

How you can fire your boss and secure your financial situation:

 The majority of people count on a job to make a living and support their own families. The problem is that when you work for a company you are simply a disposable asset to your employer.

 Many individuals will not go along with me but as a entrepreneur I understand the way other company managers and owners think. This is not personal, is just business. Business owners focus their efforts on lowering operating expenses and increasing revenues and workers are in the expense column. That is why you need to secure your family’s financial future by trading the FX market and putting your money to work for you.
Numerous people even decide to take it one step further and become full time traders. In Forex the sky is the limit and you are the only person that determines how far you want to go. Remember to check back soon for more Forex secret trading tips.

Best regards,

Jay Molina
Pro Fx trader & Mentor

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Online Trading Reviews:4 Tips on how to Evaluate a Forex trading Mentorship Program

One of the things that changed my trading career was the Currency trading mentors I had at the start of my career. This helped me to learn from the finest fx traders (folks that were managing millions) and cut the learning curve to a few months, instead of years.

I read hundred of online trading reviews and I even bought quite a few trading systems however they always performed poorly. This is when I made a decision that if I was going to get anywhere as a Currency trader I was going to have to take my financial destiny on my own hands.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading Tips: 5 Simple methods to Make the Most Out of Trading Losses

Quite a few books have been written on how to generate profits in the market. A great number of books can be really useful when you are trying to learn new techniques to profit from the Forex. However, what you don’t see often are books or articles that teach you how to respond and take losses.

Foreign currency exchange trading can lead to become a very successful trader as long as you educate yourself and reinforce your trading skills. Learning how to take a loss is one of the most significant lessons you will learn as a FX trader. In this trading article I would like to share with you 5 ways to make the most out of your trading losses.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Forex Secret Trading Tips: How to Create a Second Income Stream From Forex Trading

Trading the Forex can provide you with the opportunity to expand your income, secure your family’s financial future, and achieve true financial freedom. On the other hand, there are additional ways to make money as a Fx trader than by trading. A lot of traders from all across the globe have been creating a second stream from Forex with no sales, customer support, overhead, or high starting costs.

This second income stream is produced by using referral plans from Forex companies that allow you to profit by just referring those who are around you to the company. This is a quite simple and cheap way to generate more revenue and even generate more trading funds. You are about to learn how this one Forex secret trading method could generate you consistent cash flow to fund your trading account.